Source code for common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# this file is part of 'RAX-AutoScaler'
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import pyrax
import sys
import pyrax.exceptions as pexc
from termcolor import colored
import ConfigParser
import subprocess
import datetime
import json
import urllib2
import logging

[docs]def get_logger(): """This function instantiate the logger. :return: logger """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) return logger
[docs]def check_file(fname): """This function checks if file exists and is readable. :param fname: file name :returns: file name with absolute path """ file_abspath = os.path.abspath(fname) if os.path.isfile(file_abspath) and os.access(file_abspath, os.R_OK): return file_abspath else: preDefinedPath = '/etc/rax-autoscaler/'+fname # Check in /etc/rax-autoscaler/config path if os.path.isfile(preDefinedPath): if os.access(preDefinedPath, os.R_OK): return preDefinedPath # Either file is missing or is not readable return
[docs]def get_config(config_file): """This function read and returns jsons configuration data :param config_file: json configuration file name :returns: json data """ logger = get_logger()"Loading config file: '%s'" % config_file) try: json_data = open(config_file) data = json.load(json_data) return data except Exception, e: logger.error("Error: " + str(e)) return None
[docs]def get_machine_uuid(): """This function uses subprocess to get node uuid and cached it for future use :returns: server uuid None """ logger = get_logger() server_uptime = None cache_uptime = None cache_file = '.uuid.cache' uuid = None cache_content = [None] * 2 try: uptime_file = open('/proc/uptime') contents = uptime_file.close() server_uptime = str(int(float(contents[0]))) except Exception, e: logger.warning("Unable to get uptime") logger.debug('%s' % str(e)) pass if server_uptime is None: logger.debug("Failed to get server uptime") else: logger.debug("Checking if cache file '%s' already exists" % cache_file) cache_file = check_file(cache_file) if cache_file is not None:"Getting uptime and node id from cache file") cache_content = None try: rfh = open(cache_file, 'r').read() cache_content = rfh.split('\n') except: logger.warning("Unable to read a file '%s' in '%s'" % (cache_file, '/etc/rax-autoscaler')) pass if (not cache_content[0] or cache_content[0] is None or not cache_content[1] or cache_content[1] is None): logger.warning("Cache file is corrupted, failed to" "read the content") else: try: if int(cache_content[0]) < int(server_uptime): uuid = cache_content[1] else: logger.warning("Invalid uptime found in cache file") logger.debug("uptime: %s cache uptime: %s" % (server_uptime, cache_content[0])) except: logger.warning("Invalid content found in cache file") pass if uuid is None:'Launching xenstore query to get server uuid') try: name = subprocess.Popen(['xenstore-read name'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0] id = name.strip() uuid = id[9:] except Exception, e: logger.error("Error: " + str(e)) return None if server_uptime is not None: cache_file = '.uuid.cache' # Check if file exists in cwd if os.path.isfile(cache_file) is False: if os.path.isdir('/etc/rax-autoscaler') is True: cache_file = '/etc/rax-autoscaler/.uuid.cache'"Creating cache file '%s'" % cache_file) try: wfh = open(cache_file, 'w') wfh.write(server_uptime) wfh.write('\n') wfh.write(uuid) wfh.close() except Exception, e: logger.warning("Unable to create a file '%s': '%s'" % (cache_file, str(e))) pass return uuid
[docs]def get_user_value(args, config, key): """This function returns value associated with the key if its available in user arguments else in json config file. :param args: user arguments :param config: json configuration data :param key: key name :returns: value associated with key """ logger = get_logger() value = None if args[key] is None: try: value = config['auth'][key.lower()] except: logger.error("Invalid config, '" + key + "' key not found in authentication section") else: value = args[key] return value
[docs]def get_group_value(config, group, key): """This function returns value in autoscale_groups section associated with provided key. :type config: object :param group: group name :param config: json configuration data :param key: key name :returns: value associated with key """ logger = get_logger() try: value = config['autoscale_groups'][group][key] if value is not None: return value except: logger.error("Error: unable to get value for key '" + key + "' from group '" + group + "'") return None
[docs]def get_webhook_value(config, group, key): """This function returns value in webhooks section of json file which is associated with provided key. :param group: group name :param config: json configuration data :param key: key name :returns: value associated with key """ logger = get_logger() try: value = config['autoscale_groups'][group]['webhooks'][key] if value is not None: return value except: logger.warning("Unable to find value for key: '%s' in group '%s'" % (key, group)) return None
[docs]def webhook_call(config_data, group, policy, key): """This function makes webhook calls. :param config_data: json configuration data :param group: group name :param policy: policy type :param key: key name """ logger = get_logger()'Launching %s webhook call' % key) url_list = get_webhook_value(config_data, group, policy) if url_list is None: return None group_id = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'group_id') if group_id is None: return None up_policy_id = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'scale_up_policy') if up_policy_id is None: return None down_policy_id = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'scale_down_policy') if down_policy_id is None: return None check_type = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'check_type') if check_type is None: return None metric_name = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'metric_name') if check_type is None: return None up_threshold = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'scale_up_threshold') if up_threshold is None: return None down_threshold = get_group_value(config_data, group, 'scale_down_threshold') if up_threshold is None: return None data = json.dumps({'group_id': group_id, 'scale_up_policy': up_policy_id, 'scale_down_policy': down_policy_id, 'check_type': check_type, 'metric_name': metric_name, 'scale_up_threshold': up_threshold, 'scale_down_threshold': down_threshold}) urls = url_list[key] for url in urls:"Sending POST request to url: '%s'" % url) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) f = urllib2.urlopen(req) response = f.close() except Exception, e: logger.warning(str(e)) return None