Source code for common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# this file is part of 'RAX-AutoScaler'
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import pyrax
import sys
import json
import logging
from uuid import UUID
import netifaces

[docs]def get_logger(): """This function instantiate the logger. :return: logger """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) return logger
[docs]def check_file(fname): """This function checks if file exists and is readable. :param fname: file name :returns: file name with absolute path """ file_abspath = os.path.abspath(fname) if os.path.isfile(file_abspath) and os.access(file_abspath, os.R_OK): return file_abspath else: predefined_path = '/etc/rax-autoscaler/' + fname # Check in /etc/rax-autoscaler/config path if os.path.isfile(predefined_path): if os.access(predefined_path, os.R_OK): return predefined_path # Either file is missing or is not readable return
[docs]def get_config(config_file): """This function read and returns jsons configuration data :param config_file: json configuration file name :returns: json data """ logger = get_logger()'Loading config file: "%s"', config_file) try: json_data = open(config_file) data = json.load(json_data) return data except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: %s", e) return None
def read_uuid_cache(): logger = get_logger() # we're storing files in /dev/shm/ to ensure the cache is deleted on reboot uuid_files = ['/dev/shm/.raxas-uuid.cache', # instance-id is populated with the uuid if the server was # spun up with config_drive set to True '/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id'] if sys.platform.startswith(('win32', 'cygwin')): # Windows doesn't have a built in equivalent to /dev/shm so we'll # disable file caching for now to ensure we don't have a stale cache # if an image is taken of the servers running in the autoscale group'no uuid caching for windows, moving on...') return None for file_path in uuid_files: if not os.path.isfile(file_path): continue with open(file_path, 'r') as cache_file: line = cache_file.readline().strip() if line == 'iid-datasource-none': # This happens if the server was spun up without config_drive # set to True'cloud-init datastore does not contain uuid') continue try: # I'm creating a UUID object from the contents of the cache # to verify it's a valid UUID. ValueError is thrown if invalid uuid = UUID(line) return str(uuid) except ValueError:'invalid uuid found in %s : %s', file_path, line) continue return None def write_uuid_cache(uuid): logger = get_logger() try: with open('/dev/shm/.raxas-uuid.cache', 'w+') as cache_file:'updating uuid cache /dev/shm/.raxas-uuid.cache') cache_file.write('%s\n' % uuid) except IOError as error: logger.error('unable to write uuid cache file: %s', error.args)
[docs]def get_machine_uuid(scaling_group): """This function will search for the server's UUID and return it. First it searches in a rax-autoscaler cache, followed by cloud-init cache. If it cannot find a cached UUID, it will get the details of each server in the scaling group in turn and attempt to match the local IP address with that of the server object returned from the API :param scaling_group: raxas.scaling_group.ScalingGroup object :return: None if no UUID could be matched against a cache file or the API. UUID as a string """ logger = get_logger() uuid = read_uuid_cache() if uuid is not None:'found server UUID from cache: %s', uuid) return uuid # if we didn't get anything from any cache files, we'll loop through the # servers in the scaling group, get the server details and cross check the # ip addresses against what's on *this* server local_ips = [] for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): # pylint: disable=E1101 try: for ip in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)[netifaces.AF_INET]: # pylint: disable=E1101 if ip['addr'] != '': local_ips.append(ip['addr']) except KeyError: continue servers_api = pyrax.cloudservers for active_uuid in scaling_group.active_servers: server = servers_api.servers.get(active_uuid) server_ips = [ip for network in server.networks.values() for ip in network] matching_ips = set(server_ips).intersection(local_ips) if len(matching_ips) > 0:'found uuid from matching ip address: %s', write_uuid_cache( return # only reached if we couldn't read from the cache file and couldn't find # this server's ip address in the scaling group's active server list return None
[docs]def get_auth_value(args, config, key): """This function returns value associated with the key if its available in user arguments else in json config file. :param args: user arguments :param config: json configuration data :param key: key name :returns: value associated with key """ logger = get_logger() value = None try: if args[key] is None: value = config['auth'][key.lower()] else: value = args[key] except: logger.error('Invalid config. Key: "%s" not found in authentication section', key) return value
[docs]def exit_with_error(msg): """This function prints error message and exit with error. :param msg: error message :returns: 1 (int) -- the return code """ logger = get_logger() if msg is None: try: log_file = logger.root.handlers[0].baseFilename'completed with an error: %s', log_file) except: print('(info) rax-autoscale completed with an error') else: try: logger.error(msg) log_file = logger.root.handlers[0].baseFilename'completed with an error: %s', log_file) except: print('(error) %s', msg) print('(info) rax-autoscale completed with an error') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def get_server(server_id): """ It gets Cloud server object by server_id """ cs = pyrax.cloudservers try: return [s for s in cs.list() if == server_id] except:'no cloud server with id: %s', server_id) return None
[docs]def is_ipv4(address): """It checks if address is valid IP v4 """ import socket try: socket.inet_aton(address) return True except socket.error: return False